Below you can see which issues might happen when you are trying to upload your custom font. This often means it originates from an untrustworthy source (incorrect metadata) or something went wrong in the format conversion process.Ĭorrupt font files can result in unsuccessful uploads. If you can't successfully upload a custom font to the font library, it's probably a corrupt file. When you upload your custom font, the different styles have to be uploaded separately but will be merged into one family. The Google font Noto will support most of the characters.įont family is incorrect or not aligned with the other stylesįont weight is incorrect (italic, bold, etc.)Ī font can have different styles: bold, italic, regular, etc. When you're making - for example - a Foleon Doc for Chinese readers, you will need a font that supports all the characters in Chinese. It's not always possible to upload non-western font styles. If you change the family name and convert them, the editor will recognize the formats as the same family and merge them. 💡 You can change the font family metadata in software such as Transtype 4 or FontSquirrel.